Bari → Bar Ferry

Between Bari and Bar we have found 1 car ferry departures, the travel time is around -13 hour and 0 minutes, the travel distance between the ferry port in Bari and the ferry port in Bar is 120.68 NM. The earliest ferry departure is at 21:00, the latest departure is at 21:00. Use the search form above to find car ferries from Bari Italy to Bar Montenegro on a specific travel date.

Bari Bar , 2024-05-03

There are 2 people currently looking how to get from Bari to Bar !
21:00 Bari
08:00 Bar
per passenger

Operational intervals
16.06. - 25.11.


Car Ferry
Please Note: Operating ferry company reserves the right to alter sailing times. We do our utmost to ensure the accuracy of the information provided here on Ferrycroatia, but is recommended to check all schedules/timetables with the operating ferry company.

Map travel route Bari - Bar