Mala Rava ferry terminal

Mala Rava is a little town located on the north side of the island Rava. It embraces two bays, the ferry terminal is located in centre of the town in the southern protected bay,. The ferry terminal is connected with the town Rava, the island of Iž (Mali and Veli Iž and Bršanj) and with Zadar and Zadar (Gaženica) by regular ferry and catamaran lines.

From the ferry terminal you can walk to any location within Mala Rava, if you are staying elsewhere on the island, contact your landlord to get advice about transportation.

Mala Rava port facilities

As already mentioned above, Mala Rava is a really small town, but you can find some facilities there such as cafes, restaurants, shops.

Mala Rava port location

  • Longitude: 15.056954
  • Latitude: 44.040103
  • 23283 Mala Rava (Rava)
Mala Rava ferry port

List of catamaran and ferry routes to and from Mala Rava

→ Car ferry: Zadar (Gaženica) – Bršanj (Iž) – Rava – Mala Rava

→ Catamaran: Zadar – Mali Iž- Veli Iž – Mala Rava- Rava