Kornati Archipelago

Kornati islands – a new eco-educational tour INHERIT

A new underwater eco-educational trail has recently been tested in the Kornati National Park. The trail is a part of INHERIT project, financed by the European Union. A total of 15 partners from 10 Mediterranean countries is a part of the project, whose goal is to preserve and valorize the natural heritage of coastal towns and locations.

Another purpose of the project is to emphasize the tourist tours, those underwater too. By doing that, natural heritage should be preserved, and the Kornati are the perfect place to start. The underwater tour along the Skanj Veli island will last 20 minutes, providing a novelty in the Park offer.
“Usually, these types of tours are reserved for licensed divers. However, this is a chance for the general population to see the Kornati underwater”, says Šime Ježina from Kornati NP. And the underwater will leave visitors speechless, even those who’ve already seen the sight. 

Before going under, the rules and regulations will be explained twice!
“Visitors cannot touch anything in the sea. Our instructors will ensure the neutrality of the trip so that no part of the sea is affected by people for the entire duration of the tour”, says Leo Lušić from Murter diving center. Seaweed has to be preserved, cause they are the source of both Kornati and Adriatic underwater life. 

Source: Otoci.eu